Package raccoon.api.eai.badhnati

Provides services to link representations of data beans between various worlds.


Interface Summary
IBadhnAti The component conversion service.
IXmlToMessage Provides conversion methods between IMessage and XML Strings.

Package raccoon.api.eai.badhnati Description

Provides services to link representations of data beans between various worlds.


Raccoon is a java orientated framework and it's aim is to ease the work of java developpers. As such, in every java application, developpers handle JavaBeans when manipulating data which is a sort of intelligent equivalent of the C Structure.

Now when this data (a java bean instance) is to be sent over the TIB, the current TIB/Rendezvous API doesn't take a java bean natively: the native format is a TibrvMsg instance or the MTree instance, depending on whether you're using the TIB/Rendezvous API or the TIB/Adapter SDK.

So what Raccoon offers is automatic conversion from a java bean instance to an MTree or TibrvMsg instance and back. Therefore java developpers using the Raccoon framework don't need any TIBCO specific knowledge. However for this automatic conversion to be possible there are certain rules to respect; these rules are delved into in the following sections.

The name of the module that handles automatic conversion from JavanBeans to a TibrvMsg or MTree instance is called BadhnAti. This word comes from Sanskrit and it means 'he who binds'.

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